Seeing all dot (.) prefixed files with WRKLNK

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Seeing all dot (.) prefixed files with WRKLNK

If you are using the WRKLNK command to access IFS directories and you've tried to drill in to see all the files in a Git project, files prefixed with a period or dot (.) are not always all visible in the directory list.


This can be fixed by running the WRKLNK command with the DSPOPT(*ALL) option.


If you use the WRKLNK command with the DSPOPT(*ALL) switch one time, all subsequent WRKLNK commands will retain this setting because the DSPOPT option default to *PRV which means use the last saved setting used for the option.


Run the below command once:



Now try to access a Git repository directory with WRKLNK


Ex: WRKLNK OBJ('/gitrepos/QGPL')


Notice that any files or directories that start with a . are now visible.


Object link            Type    

.                      DIR     

..                     DIR     

.git                   DIR     

QCBLLESRC              DIR     

QCLSRC                 DIR     

QDDSSRC                DIR     

QLBLSRC                DIR     

QRPGLESRC              DIR     

QRPGSRC                DIR