Welcome to MobiGoGo

Work At The Speed of Mobility

Our mission is to enhance productivity:

We develop desktop, web, and mobile software as well as microservice products that empower teams to collaborate, automate, integrate, and achieve greater efficiency.

Additionally, we offer consulting services for mobile app development, API system integration, and Git source automation.

Supported platforms include Windows, Linux, Mac, IBM i and cloud environments.

Click on Products to check out iForGit - IBM i Git Source Management Made Easy

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iForGit - IBM i Git Source Management Made Easy

We focus on the IBM i Git integration details so you don't have to.

iForGit is an IBM i specific source control application that allows Git to be easily integrated with RDi development environments and traditional 5250 SEU development environments.

iForGit can be used to work with traditional IBM i source file members or IFS based source members and instantly connect them to a Git repository for version control.

iForGit is a nice alternative to other version control systems because you have your choice of IFS directory storage, online or self-hosted Git repositories (Github, Gitlab, Bonobo Git Server (Windows), Bitbucket or any other Git source server) as well as their associated tools for tickets, project management, continuous integration with IBM i, other custom source management workflows and more.

The process of source control can be made 100% transparent for SEU/PDM developers so they don't have to remember to commit a source version.

Daily source commits can be scheduled to augment your existing source library backups.

Source dates and sequences can be retained in Git repositories if desired.

Source type and text information is automatically stored with each member as it's moved in to a Git repository.

The SRCFRMGIT and SRCTOGIT commands make checking out, committing or syncing source very easy from SEU/PDM, RDi/User Actions or your own custom source build applications on IBM i.

The STRSEUGIT command can be used to commit source members automatically any time they are edited with SEU.

Visit the product info page and reach out with your contact info to download a trial version of iForGit today so you can start version controlling all your IBM i Source Code with Git.

You'll be up and running in 30 minutes or less.

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About MobiGoGo

MobiGoGo specializes in offering products, services and training to help teams get work done faster.
We create desktop, web and mobile software and microservice products
to help your teams collaborate and get work done more effectively.
Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac, IBM i and The Cloud


Get In Touch!

If you have questions about desktop, web, or mobile app development, process automation, or any related products or training, feel free to reach out. Let's have a conversation.

(612) 315-1745