SRCFRMSTMF -  Copy from IFS File to Src Mbr

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SRCFRMSTMF -  Copy from IFS File to Src Mbr


This CL command is used to as a simple replacement for the CPYFRMSTMF command to quickly copy source members from the IFS back in to a library. No source member header information is read when a copy occurs. If a source member does not exist it will be created without any type or text. The command is smart enough to be used with source members from a source file or from the IFS if the source member has the following naming pattern: /ifsdir/srclibname/srcfilename/srcmember.srctype.   Ex: /ifsdir/QGPL/QCLSRC/SAMPLE1.CLP



This CL command can be used as a simple replacement for the CPYFRMSTMF command to quickly copy source members from the IFS back to a library source member with no source control. CPYFRMSTMF is called under the covers after any path determination and creation logic is executed. This command can be used from PDM or from RDi Remote Systems Explorer User Actions with files edited from a source member or the IFS because of the automated path determination.


The command is smart enough to be used with source members from a source file and from the IFS if the IFS file has the following naming pattern: /ifsdir/srclibname/srcfilename/srcmember.srctype.   Ex: /ifsdir/QGPL/QCLSRC/SAMPLE1.CLP


Note: No source member header information is read from the IFS file when an import copy occurs. (SRCFRMGIT would be used for that.)


Note: See the CPYFRMSTMF command for additional information on parameters passed through the call to CPYFRMSTMF.


Command Example to import a source member from IFS file if source member is known (No source info header data is added to members)

SRCFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/ifsdir/test001.clp')















FROMSTMF - From IFS stream file. This is the source IFS file that source member will be imported from.


TOMBR - To source file member - This is info regarding how to derive the destination source member info. 



*IFSFILEPATH - The source IFS file path is used to derive the source file member being imported info including, library, file, member and type. 


*SRCMEMBER - The To source file and From source member parameters are used to determine the source member being exported.


SRCFILE - Destination source file/library - The source file and library for the member to import. (The library and file must exist.)


SRCMBR - To source member - The source member name to import. (The source member is auto-created if not found as long as library and file exist.)


MBROPT - The source member option. Default: *REPLACE


*REPLACE should normally be used to replace existing source member or create a new one.


CVTDTA - Data conversion options. Default: *AUTO


STMFCCSID - Stream file CCSID. Default: *STMF




*PCASCII - Use *PCASCII normally for exports.

1-65533 for a specific CCSID


DBFCCSID - Database file CCSID. Default: *FILE


TBL - Conversion table. Only used if CVTDTA = *TBL.


ENDLINFMT - End of line characters. Default: *ALL


End of line characters for output file. Normally use *ALL to auto-determine LF or CRLF. (RDi saves IFS files with LF. Other PC text editors save with CRLF).



*CRLF - Carriage return linefeed

*LF - Linefeed

*CR - Carriage return

*LFCR - Linefeed carriage return

*ALL - Auto-determine if end of line is CRLF or LF.  


TABEXPN - End of line characters. Default: *YES



*NO - Tab characters not copied to source member.

*YES - Tab characters are copied to the source member.


STMFCODPAG - Stream file code page. Default: *STMF




*PCASCII - Use *PCASCII normally

1-65533 for a specific CCSID